Club Grants

Club Grants

Category 1 grants have now closed.  In July those who applied were advised if they had been successful or not from the application. Those successful applicants receive funding during August 2024.

This is an exciting opportunity for those in our local community to take the opportunity to apply for assistance under the ClubGrants scheme.

Follow the links on the ClubGrants website.

If you would like to submit a request for sponsorship, please complete the appropriate application form from the ClubGrants website. If you are unsure of which form to complete, please contact us on 02 6556 1209.

All applications received are assessed by our Board of Directors at their board meeting and need to be submitted for processing by the third Monday of each month.

Applicants will be advised of the status of their sponsorship request in the fortnight following the board meeting.


You are considered eligible for Category 1 funding if your project falls under specific community welfare and social services, community development, health services and employment assistance activities, and other projects aimed at improving the living standards of low-income and disadvantaged people.

How to apply

Category 1 funding applications are accepted either online or in some instances require submission of a paper-based application.

Application deadlines apply.

Follow the applications steps from ClubGrants to determine how to submit your application.



Funding for general community development and support activities, such as junior sport/grassroots sport or veteran welfare activities.

How to apply

Unlike Category 1 funding, Category 2 is available all-year-round. Follow the applications steps from ClubGrants to determine how to submit your application.